Binding Processes Together

In the developed countries' construction industry, BIM technologies became widespread due to their ability to correlate all processes and enable more streamlined control of the project implementation progress.


3D and 4D modeling helps to avoid human errors. Often these are errors in paper drawings that cause disruption of construction deadlines, budget overrun and problems during usage.
This design technique helps to precisely calculate the construction budget, enable day-to-day control of project implementation, introduce changes and immediately adjust resource allocation if necessary.
But the main benefit that BIM modeling gives is the ability to bind different parts of a project together and get present-day data to evaluate construction costs on a real time basis.
This technology can be used at any stage of a construction and investment project. BIM provides investors with a tool enabling transparency. It helps to achieve all-around control of the project implementation process, accuracy and timeliness of communication at all levels.
Furthermore, it enhances quality of project solutions for designers, who can make prudent and comprehensive judgments. As for engineering, estimators can significantly speed up design documentation processing when evaluating scope of work and materials. BIM is a great tool to monitor construction sites and operating decision-making on day-to-day site control level.
Evgeny Bogdanov, CEO of RUMPU, Finnish engineering company, notes, "The concept of BIM extensively describes both construction and design technologies and organizational structure of construction business itself. Today Russian companies widely use 3D modeling which is a part of the BIM system. This technology speeds up the design process significantly and helps constructors to avoid mistakes and receive information regarding the scope of construction works and materials in no time."
Armen Manukian-Burovtsev, CEO of LLC "Proektnoe buro-GS", says, "Usage of BIM technologies in residential building design in Russia is a rarity, and they have not become a common tool yet. They are only used for complicated and complex projects or projects of major customers, who are aware of probable benefits from this kind of technologies."
Mr. Manukian-Burovtsev notes, that his company uses BIM technologies only in detailed design and development of design documentation for certain projects. "We started to gradually implement BIM modeling in July 2014. I would say that we are now in the very beginning," thinks Manukian-Burovtsev.
Arsentiy Sidorov, CEO of LLC "NTC "Etalon", believes that the development of BIM in Russia is discouraged by high costs of the new technology implementation. "These costs account not only for purchasing of new software and upgrading PCs, but also for staff training, work procedures adaptation and habituation of employees to the new requirements and business processes," he says.
Mr. Bogdanov has a different opinion: "The technology itself is not too expensive. But education and training of personnel working with 3D modeling is high-priced. Today we see the lack of such professionals in Russia. But these costs will be compensated by quicker and precise design in a while. Projects implemented using BIM are prevailing in the West. But in our country this technology is only starting to progress."


Arsentiy Sidorov, CEO of LLC "NTC "Etalon"

– It is a common problem for Russian companies that BIM, being a foreign technology, needs to be adapted to Russian standards. Unfortunately, Russian software can not compete with western technologies yet.

рубрика: Technologies
автор: Denis Kozhin
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